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Infecting Your Server With Nixos

·2 mins

To infect your server with NixOS you need to run a non NixOS Linux distribution. It works on some Linux distributions, you can check the list of supported distributions here. You can use a virtual machine or a dedicated machine (locally or using a cloud provider).

Step 1: Create SSH Keys #

First, you need to create SSH keys to access your server. To infect your machine you need to have root access using SSH Keys, it’s not possible to infect a machine without SSH access because nixos-infect is not able to get your current password and set on the new operating system (NixOS).


You need to copy your public key to the server. You can do this by running the following command:

ssh-copy-id root@your-server-ip

If you are using a cloud provider, you can use the web interface to add your SSH key.

To copy your public key to the server, you can also use the following command:

cat ~/.ssh/ | xclip # or pbcopy on macOS

Verify that you can access your server using SSH:

ssh root@your-server-ip

If you have more than one SSH key, you can specify the key to use with the -i flag:

ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 root@your-server-ip

Step 2: Infect Your Server #

Now that you have access to your server, you can infect it with NixOS. If you are using a Virtual Machine or a dedicated machine, you can use the following command:

curl | NIX_CHANNEL=nixos-23.05 bash -x

If you are using a cloud provider, you can use cloud-init/user data mechanism interface to provide the script to infect your server. For example, on DigitalOcean, you can use the following script:


  - curl | PROVIDER=digitalocean NIX_CHANNEL=nixos-23.05 bash 2>&1 | tee /tmp/infect.log

You can check what command to use on your cloud provider here.

After a few minutes, your server will be infected with NixOS. You can access and verify that it worked:

nix-shell -p freshfetch --command freshfetch
            ::::.    ':::::     ::::'          root@nixos
            ':::::    ':::::.  ::::'
              :::::     '::::.:::::            OS: NixOS 23.05 (Stoat) x86_64
        .......:::::..... ::::::::             Host: Droplet
       ::::::::::::::::::. ::::::    ::::.     Kernel: Linux 6.1.69
      ::::::::::::::::::::: :::::.  .::::'     Uptime: 36 minutes
             .....           ::::' :::::'      Packages: 0
            :::::            '::' :::::'       Shell: bash
   ........:::::               ' :::::::::::.  Resolution: 1024x768
  :::::::::::::                 :::::::::::::  CPU: DO-Regular (1) @ 1.9953100681305MHz
   ::::::::::: ..              :::::           Board: DigitalOcean Droplet
       .::::: .:::            :::::            Memory: 68MB / 473MB
      .:::::  :::::          '''''    .....
      :::::   ':::::.  ......:::::::::::::'
       :::     ::::::. ':::::::::::::::::'
              .:::::::: '::::::::::
             .::::''::::.     '::::.
            .::::'   ::::.     '::::.
           .::::      ::::      '::::.

Congratulations! You have successfully infected your server with NixOS.